Friday, August 7, 2009

Snitches?! What's next ? Block Kaptians?!

Well it seems the totalitarians are at it again! Now get this: The premier wants people to squeal on people who disagree with his so called health care plan! Now this smacks of the 1930's when the nazi regime recruited snitches to squeal on their neighbors if they were dissenting against Hitler! They were controlled by block captians who reported dissenters to the gestapo who then rounded up said dissenters and sent them to death camps. This kind of thing is very dangerous but it works. This is how you take over a country and have one party rule: Step one turn the people against each other. Two: through lies and intimidation destroy the peoples will. Three outlaw all party's that disagree with your policies and exterminate or imprison them and if there is any opposition left a bullet in the back of the head! As i see it no one is safe. Sure i know what you're thinking what is this guy's deal? Simple I love my country and do not want to see it slide into a totalitarian hell that i have seen world wide. Our freedom is under assault make no mistake about it! if the government controls the health care system they control you! A society is judged on how it treats the weak and infirm and if this monstrosity passes we will be found wanting! The time has come for the people to stand up and say NO MORE! I myself am tired of being told by a bunch of aging hippies what's best for me and if i don't agree they play the nazi card but I ask you who is looking more like nazis everyday? You decide.

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